Welcome to this blog

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. I finally took the leap and set up my blog, and after a lot of thinking, I finally decided to create a blog.

Why a blog? Well among a lot of other reasons, like not forgetting what I learn from time to time, and to keep track of my journey as a Software Development Engineer. The other huge reason is that I love to learn new things, research the ones I find interesting, and I plan to document and share my learnings via blog posts, which can be easily found and referred to later as well. I’ll try to share things I learn about Software Development, my interests in Data Science and all the other random things I encounter. Hopefully, other people will also find these posts helpful, relevant or interesting. You can always share your views on my GitHub repo here (until I figure out adding comment sections to a static GitHub site 😉)

Thanks for visiting this blog!

About Me

I’m Mitesh Shah, and I live in Hyderabad. I started my journey as a Software Engineer at Microsoft (where I currently work). I have a lot of interest in Data Science and Machine Learning and I love reading books or playing some games in my relaxing time.

Technical Details for this Blog

This blog is possible due to Gatsby JS with the wonderful theme Novela created by the Narative Team. Right now this site is hosted on GitHub pages using a CI from GitHub Actions

Update : 24-12-2020

Since then, I have moved this blog to Fastpages. The links in this post are updated now.